Business coaching - setting up internal coaching academies


Some of our clients have discovered that building and branding their own internal coaching framework allows them to work autonomously and with increasing coaching confidence.

The Coaching Academies approach

We help you:

  • develop a sound peer coaching framework
  • identify the right people with the right skills and attributes to enrol
  • equip them with the tools and approaches they need.

How the process works

We have a detailed model that takes you from this initial identification process, through workshop training and finally a formal supported follow up process, as your new internal coaches begin to deploy their skills.

The follow up sessions bolster their learning and also allow peer coaches to come together, share their experiences and successes, as well as tackle any issues and challenges.

Coaching academy components

  1. Promotion, application and vetting procedure.

  2. Short listing, interviews and interview feedback.

  3. Creation of an internal infrastructure.

  4. Setting expectations and commitments.

  5. Coaching contracts.