Diversity & Inclusion


DARE to be different! People never forget how you make them feel.

We have three ways for you to engage in difference. Opt in to any or all 3 zones:
AWARE – Maybe you’d like to find out how different (or not!) you are.
SHARE – Develop your teams through the D & I lens to become even more productive.
DARE – Take difference to the next level and help your leaders develop an inclusive style.


  • Generate insights and data to identify your current inclusion & diversity strengths to build on, challenges to address and next step actions that will make the most positive impact.
  • We work closely with you so that you fully own the results and so that the strategy and action plan fit with your wider work and business priorities.
  • We tap into what your people really think and experience around inclusion and diversity.

Inclusion conversations

  • face to face/ virtual focus groups and on-line conversations
  • anonymised inclusion and diversity stories from your own people
  • patterns of behaviours and actions that support – or get in the way of – building an inclusive culture
  • first-hand understanding of how inclusion impacts performance

Inclusion survey

  • quantitative data on the factors that drive inclusion in your business
  • see where your inclusion strengths are in your business through results cut by office, function, geography… and different groups, such as gender, age, nationality…


  • Establish a common understanding of what inclusion and diversity mean within your business.
  • Develop the core skills and behaviours that support an inclusive culture.
  • We tailor our content and delivery approach to your business.

Inclusion webinars

  • introduce inclusion and diversity and what these mean within your business
  • understand why inclusion and diversity are important for your business
  • develop understanding of the key behaviours and actions you can take to support inclusion and diversity
  • build awareness of what can get in the way of inclusion – including unconscious bias
  • leave with some practical actions you can apply right away

Peak performance

  • experience how your team can work together in an even more inclusive way


  • Implement actions and programmes that make a real difference to building on the strengths of diversity amongst your employees and customers.
  • We help you identify and deliver the actions and programmes that help build even greater inclusion and diversity in your business.

Dare to Be different
Our signature inclusive leadership programme  – Be different

  • understand the difference higher and lower levels of inclusion have on performance
  • build awareness of your own impact on creating inclusion and diversity
  • experience the skills, behaviours and actions needed to lead inclusively
  • leave with practical tools you can apply right away

1-to-1 coaching

  • helping your leaders be great inclusive leaders, deal with current challenges, develop individual, authentic inclusive leadership presence

Inclusive programmes

  • bring people together – employees and clients – around inclusion and diversity issues that really matter to them
  • we can help you set up employee resource groups e.g. on gender, sexual orientation, disability, age…
  • we run engaging and motivating workshops on key topics such as menopause, wellbeing at work, resilience…