Bec Development
When we find new reports, ideas and articles we put them in this section to let you know what’s new in learning, HR and developing people.
If you have something that you think would help our community then let us know and we can put that up too.
We want to save you time searching so we hope you will find this useful and inspiring.
The best place to find resources on mentoring is our Coaching and Mentoring HR Topics page. A Topics page is an aggregation page that brings together all of the resources we have on a subject. You can link to anything that does not have a “M” icon like this – .
If a resource has the blue M icon it means that the resource is for members only and you will need to be logged in as CIPD members in order to see or download it. You should find everything on mentoring on this page.
We don’t have any resources on NLP just the following two courses.
There are two resources.
Developing resilience: An evidence-based guide for practitioners
Aimed at practitioners, this guidance is based on a thorough review of the available evidence about how to develop resilience at individual and organisational levels.
Developing resilience
This Research Insight aims to help practitioners understand resilience and approaches to building resilience, as well as to identify gaps in these domains.
The practice of meditation in the business world is increasingly moving from the fringe to the mainstream, and already features as a key part of a number of international management and organisation development programmes. Emma Dolman and Dave Bond review the impact that meditation practices have made, and report on a meditation research study conducted at Ashridge.
Talent management under threat in uncertain times – managers need more support in managing talent.